Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: Art of the Title

  We will also be researching another website which contains information on title style. This website is useful for us because it can teach us more about movie titles and how they are done. We have to use this website to research different genres for future blogs. The website is known for the creative process that each title sequence uses. The aim of the website is to "honor the creators and innovators who contribute to the field." It taught me that certain genres have a certain style to it so when you watch it you automatically understand the type of movie you're watching. It could be anything from the transitions of the title sequence to the font. The color of the lettering could give you an idea of the film you're expecting to watch. The title has to match the connotation of the genre in order to grab the attention of the audience. Understanding the title style is good to analyze the film instantly. The URL is we cannot include it into the screenshot because at the moment the website is down and won't allow us to use it. 

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